How to help one of your own! to win The National...

How to help one of your own - The Rising Star of the Year award
Young Matthew Turner needs your help to win The National Apprenticeship Awards! 'The Rising Star of the Year award'

How to help one of your own!


Young Matthew Turner needs your help to win The National Apprenticeship Awards! ‘The Rising Star of the Year award’


Matthew has gone through to the final and needs your help!


The national final takes place in London on November 27.

So you can still vote and help Matthew by voting for him here: Visit to vote.


Indeed, all kids are outstanding in their own right.

But I just thought it would be awesome to help a young local boy as I think it would mean the world to him and his family.

At the same time, I’m sure ‘Gemini Accident Repair Centre’ in North Street, Rotherham, where Matthew works as an accident repair technician would also be thrilled if he wins! the employee of the year award


Matthews words about it all

“I feel like I’ve gained skills in teamwork, leadership and I don’t think I would have got that from university so that’s really set me up well for the future.


Do you think Matthew deserves this Rising star academy award!?

If so- let’s help him.


To conclude!


Let’s help this local young man to win!

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Lloyds Banking Group Awards: Vote for the Rising Star of the Year
How to help one of your own - The Rising Star of the Year award
Young Matthew Turner needs your help to win The National Apprenticeship Awards! 'The Rising Star of the Year award'

Google Reviews for Gemini Accident Repair Centre’ in North Street, Rotherham, where Matthew works as an accident repair technician.

Gemini Accident Repair Centre' in North Street, Rotherham, where Matthew works as an accident repair technician
Gemini Accident Repair Centre' in North Street, Rotherham, where Matthew works as an accident repair technician
Gemini Accident Repair Centre' in North Street, Rotherham, where Matthew works as an accident repair technician